belated friday catblogging: honorary birthday edition
since oscar was originally a stray on the mean streets of chicago before he found his way to us, we have no way of knowing exactly how old he is. the first time we took him to the vet, they estimated his age at about six months, which put his birthday around april 15, 2001. and we've been celebrating his birthday on april 15 ever since, but frankly, income taxes and birthday fun* do not mix! so this year we decided to change his birthday to may 1. here he is basking contentedly in some birthday sunshine!

*in the past we've tried to do communal meals for all three of us -- one time p fried up some eggs to go around, but amazingly oscar didn't eat his! (this from a cat who loves broccoli, squash, bread....) we thought about all sharing some poached eggs this time around, but oscar just ended up stealing some pizza dough prior to our grilling adventure -- and he seemed plenty happy with that!