really cool interactive feature on kilimanjaro in the times.
P has moved to Germany! This is a place to share with loved ones the pleasures, frustrations, and photographs of my adventures, leavened by talk of meals eaten and drinks drunk.
here's some friday non-oscar catblogging:
hey everyone, today is p's birthday! now make like good friends and family and leave lots of comments telling her how much you love her.
Here's P's week in news and photos! The big news is that I got my visa extension this morning! Technically it's a "temporary residence permit" and it's good till mid-February 2008 - gives me plenty of time to deal with getting a real residence permit. Wonderful not to have that breathing down my neck anymore!!
After two butt-kicking trips to IKEA and a great deal of action, the apartment is starting to take shape. We're delighted with the results so far. This apartment is so beautiful in its own right that it's a pleasure to decorate. It takes so well to the dark wood and the bold colors (especially orange) that we're so fond of. Sorry that you have to take my word for it, still! I really will post some proper apartment photos one of these days! In the meanwhile, here are a few recent photos.
Here's me and a giant foot. I consider this a companion piece to this photo. Four such feet (all left feet, sadly) were scattered across Trier, recent statues erected to mark the city's Roman history and the role of Constantine the Great who, for a time, ruled from Trier. But really: giant foot! Fun!!
Corinna, lifelong Cologne resident and girlfriend to Brian's Chicago friend Tasho, had her parents' car for the weekend and generously invited us for a day trip to Trier, a small city nearly on the border with Luxembourg. The only thing we knew about Trier before yesterday is that it lies on the Mosel River, whose dramatically steep banks yield some of the best wine in Germany. My woeful knowledge of European history (yeah HCRHS!) made my eyes go semi-glaze when I read the Lonely Planet's description of the city: some stuff about the Romans, oldest city in Germany, something about Jesus's shirt....